
i want to wear my tie :: quiero usar mi corbata

What was that honey?
"I want to wear my tie." Says my super hero, as we are heading out the door to church.
Your what?
"My tie."
Oh, okay.

Confused I put it on him and off we go.

-Quiero usar mi corbata.- Me dice mi super heroe mientras saliamos de la casa rumbo a la iglesia.
¿Tu que, amor?
-Mi corbata.
Ah, okey.

Confundida se la pongo y nos vamos.

(I got this tie a while back at a goodwill store for him to use for dress-up play. I never thought he would actually want to wear it out one day. Now doesn't he just look adorable, mismatched and all?)

(Le compre esa corbata ya hace tiempo en una segunda para que la usara para jugar. Nunca me imagine que se le ocurriría usarla en serio. ¿Apoco no se ve curioso, a si sin combinar?)

How I love that handsome little guy.

He's growing up.

Como quiero a mi nene precioso.

Esta creciendo muy pronto.


  1. Muy guapo!!! My son loved to wear ties and get all dressed up for going out just a couple of years ago.

    Now he is into jeans and t shirts (looking cool according to him) ( :

  2. @Marcela, Funny thing is before he could care less of what he wore. MY little A, on the other hand, started telling me what she wanted (or didn't want) to wear as soon as she turned two. Seriously it is a battle dressing her. What about Audrey? How is she?

  3. handsome boy indeed, you are going to be in trouble!!!


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