
DIY: Super Cute & Simple Felt Flower Magnets

In case you haven't noticed I have a love for flowers...and felt.  So it should come to no surprise that if I was to makes some cute magnets they would be made out of, yes, felt.

Any other felt lovers out there?  Mixed wool felt is my fave.  Nice and soft with such lovely colors.  Unlike the choices you get when you buy the cheap regular felt at your local craft supply store.

You can very well make these lovely magnets using fabric or paper even, what ever your little hear desires.  But if you like felt as much as I do, well go ahead pick out your favorite colors and follow along. The steps are super simple.

What you need:
- Assorted colors of wool mix felt.
- Crafting Jewels
- Fabric glue or a glue gun
- self adhesive magnetic strips

 How to make them:

Begin by cutting out a large flower and a smaller flower.  You can hand cut them or use a die cut machine which is what I did.  (I have this one.  And love it.)

Glue the smaller flower in the center of the larger flower.  Let dry for a bit.

Pick out your favorite jewels. There's nothing fancier than a bit of bling bling. 

Glue them on the center of the smaller flower.

Now time to add that magnet.

 I used the ones above.  I picked them up at Walmart.  They also had round ones you can glue onto the back of your flower, but I liked the versatility of the strip.  Plus, nothing is easier than self adhesive ones.

Take one of the strips and cut it into three.

Stick them on!  Ah, simple.  I love it!

They are done, finished, finito!

Ready to hold all those important notes.

On a different note have I told you that one of my recent obsessions is Washi Tape?

It sure is.  Those little rolls full of color and stickiness are just pure fun.  Have you heard of it?  Imagine painters tape but in a much smaller cooler scale.  You can use it just about anywhere and if you get bored peel it right off.  I've been using them to stick art work on the walls, to spruce up some vintage suitcases and more. 

Look!  I used some to make this Family Color Coded Calendar. (Tutorial on how to at ModernMami.)

I love those polka dots!  I also have them in hot pink, and black and white, and stripes, and...you get the picture.  I bought mine from Pick Your Plum, but you can find them all over the web now.  Many Etsy sellers carry them too.  Try them and you'll be hooked.

*If your wondering about that adorable post card in the first photo.  It's by Marisa from Creative Thursday.  I love her work!*

Happy Crafting!

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