
It's Crazy Around Here!

Oh yes indeed!  The full time crafting craze has begun.  Last year my friend Noelle and I decided to give it a try and sell our creations at local craft shows.  We liked it, it went well.  So this year we signed up for many, many more. 

My original plan was to craft through out the year, that way come fall I would have a nice selection of items to sell.  A stress free life, no worries about getting everything done weeks before the show.  REALITY CHECK!  Though I did craft a bit here and there, there is no way near enough merchandise ready for my firs craft show of the year (which just so happens to be in two weeks!)  Yes, so here I am crafting away.  Cutting, sewing, cutting and sewing some more.  Gluing and labeling.  All fun, but definitely keeping me busier than busy. 

My life.
Always running around,
Always doing.
I wouldn't change  it one bit.
That is just who I am.
And I embrace it just the same.

While keeping myself busy so has my super fairy chiquita.  Now that her brother is in back in school  you will often find her in the craft room by my side working on her own little projects.  I don't guide her, I let her be.  She never seizes to amaze me.  I love seeing what she'll come up with. 

My chiquito too.  Look at all those wool felt scraps, I mean, pasta in the making? 

May your week be filled with fun busy days.

Now I better get back to work!

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