
Decorate Vintage Suitcases with Washi Tape

I love vintage suitcases.  Some may even say I have an obsession.  (Maybe my love grew from that memory of my Abuela.)  I also love, love, love,  washi tape.  

And what better way to decorate a loved vintage suitcase (without the fear of ruining it) then by using washi tape? Oh yes.  

So the other day my chiquita picked out the colors of washi tape she liked and we decorated the suitcases that store all her dress up goodies.  

 Like it?

Of course most of the time they look like this:

What can I say, they are loved and so are all her costumes.  How fun is it to be a child!

To decorate all you need are vintage suitcases (I get most of mine from yard sales and thrift stores.  I'm always in a hunt for them.  I keep them in the craft room to store handmade goodies and supplies, I also love using them to displayed said goodies at my craft shows, and of course we use them through out the house to store other things...like my chiquitas dress up clothe.) You also need washi tape.  That's it.  Make sure to use a sharp blade when you get near the hardware.  Other than that it is supper simple.

Have fun decorating!

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