
Snow White :: Blanca Nieve

We have been waiting and waiting for it to snow for some time now around here. I had already gotten use to the idea that I would not get to see little R and baby A playing in the snow. I had started washing their new spring clothes and set aside all the heavier clothes. And then it happened. Snow!!! Beautiful white snow. Everywhere! On the trees, on the roads, on the cars on the rooftops.
:: Todo el invierno hemos estado esperando y esperando que caiga nieve, y nada. Ya me había echo a la idea de que no vería a mi pequeño R y mi linda A jugar en la nieve este invierno. Ya había comenzado a lavar toda la ropa nueva para la primavera y echo a un lado la ropa mas gruesa de invierno. Y luego sucedió!! Linda blanca nieve. Por todos lados! Arriba de los arboles, las calles, los carros y los techos de las casas.

When I walked into little R's room to tell him to look out the window, he was doing just that. While looking out the window, he tells me, "mami I go outside play in snow." So after a yummy blueberry with bananas pancake breakfast, we headed out to play. While baby A stayed inside watching through the sliding door.
:: Cuando entre a la recamara de mi pequeño R para decirle que viera por la nieve por la ventana, lo encontré haciendo precisamente eso. Mientras miraba por la ventana me dice - Mami, yo salgo afuera jugar en nieve.- Y eso hicimos precisamente después de comer un rico desayuno de pancakes con blueberries y plátano. Mientras mi nena A nos miraba por la puerta corrediza.

If you have not yet, I hope you get to enjoy some snow this winter.
:: Si no lo han echo todavía, espero se diviertan jugando en la nieve este invierno.


  1. We had fun in the snow. Daddy stayed home as well. We have a scrawny snowman and a snow fort and put a bunch of birdseed out so we can watch the birds eat, we like our little junkos!

  2. Love the pictures! How can you not want to make a snowman!

  3. so much fun! we enjoyed ours too. :)


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