
Seven */* Siete

I was tagged! Yes, tagged by my mommy blogger friend Maya and by many of my Facebook friends.
So I figured, what better way to start off my blog then by playing along and sharing a little bit of me. Here it is, Seven Things about me:
:: Sigo Yo! Aquí siguiendo un juego que me ha retado mi amiga Maya y varios de mis amigos de Facebook. Que mejor manera de empezar mi blog, si no compartiendo poquito de mi. Aquí, siete cosas de mi:

1. I am in love! I am in love with my kids, little R and baby A. They make my days brighter, they fill my heart with joy. Everyday I look at them and wonder: Is it possible for the love I have for them to continue to grow and grow as they grow? How much room does our heart have? I pray there is plenty of room and the love is never ending.
:: Estoy enamorada! Estoy enamorada de mis nenes R y A. Hacen que mis días sean mas brillantes y llenan mi corazón de alegría. Todos los días veo sus caritas lindas y pienso: Sera posible que el amor que tengo por ellos siga creciendo y creciendo al paso que ellos van creciendo? Cuanto lugar tiene nuestro corazón? Rezo que el espacio sea infinito y el amor nunca termine.
2. I was proposed to marriage in a Denny's Restaurant. Yikes! Being the stubborn woman that I am, I messed up R's fabulous plans to a perfect proposal because I did not want to leave him at the airport before he took off. Hey, I couldn't help savoring the few minutes I had left with him knowing I would not see him for a long time! And when he realized that I was not going to leave, so he could be picked up by his sister and later surprise me back home after I got back from having breakfast with my mom (all part of the plan) he decided to change the plans. Or more like he HAD to change the plans. He pretended there was a problem with his flight date and had to stay a day longer, then (with my mom's help) he was invited to join us for breakfast. And once we were at the restaurant, he was so scared that I was going to figure things out, he decided to propose right then and there. At first I thought he was kidding, then I realized what was going on and had to laugh. Don't worry, I said yes. Now was that romantic or what? LOL.
:: Me propusieron matrimonio en un restaurante que se llama Dennys. La historia es chistosa, pues es un restaurante tipo diner super sencillo y muy común, nada romántico. R (mi marido) tenia un plan super romántico para pedirme matrimonio. Pero yo le cambie los planes al no querer dejarlo en el aeropuerto, pues sabia que no lo vería por mucho tiempo. Después de que el trato todo por que me regresara a casa, se dio por vencido e invento una historia de que había un problema con su vuelo y no saldría hasta el día siguiente, por lo cual tenia que acompañarnos a mi y mi mama a desayunar (esto era parte del plan original), al final cuando llegamos al restaurante R tenia tanto miedo de que lo fuera a descubrir que mejor decidió proponerme matrimonio ahí. Al principio yo creía que el estaba bromeando, y al ver el anillo y su cara de seriedad me di cuenta que estaba hablando en serio, pero yo u me comenze a reír. No se preocupen, le dije que si. Apoco no, romanticon? Jajaja.
3. I dream of owning a Jeep Wrangler some day. Since I can remember I have always wanted a Jeep Wrangler, but for one reason or another I have not owned one, and now with two little ones, that dream seems further away. I can't wait for the day to have the top down, hair flying everywhere and speeding like crazy (did I just write that?). For now, the closest thing is rolling down the window of my red sexy minivan.
:: Sueno en algún día tener un Jeep Wrangler. Desde que me acuerdo tengo ganas de un Jeep Wrangler, pero por alguna razon u otra no lo tengo. Y ahora con dos nenes, el sueno se ve mas distante. Espero que llegue el día cuando tenga la tarpa del jeep abierta, el cabello volando por todas partes y manejando a toda velociada (oops, que digo?). Por ahora, lo mas cercano a ese sueno es cuando bajo las ventanas de mi sexy minivan roja.
4. My best vacation ever was a trip I took with my deer friend Lucia. We took a trip to Puerto Vallarta, a beautiful quaint beach town in the southern part of Mexico. From there we visited some of my family in Guadalajara, then some of hers San Luis Potosi and finally more of mine in Mazatlan. We traveled on plain and bus. The bus trip was exciting, but a bit scary.
:: Mis mejores vacaciones me las pase con my queirda amiga y Comadre Lucia. Viajamos a Puerto Vallarta, una linda ciudad en la costa del sur de Mexico. De ahi viajamos a Guadalajara, San Luis Potosi y Mazatlan a visitar familia. Viajamos por avion y por autobus. El vieje en autobus fue divertido pero en ocaciones un poco peligroso.
I never thought I would love being a SAHM so much! Really, I alwasy thought I would be a working mom, but once little R was born it was hard for me to go back to work and once I did, I had a horrible time leaving him at the sitters. After a couple of months of leaving him and hating it, I decided to stay home. I love to work, but I love being with my kids everyday even more. Yes, even on the tough days.
:: Nunca me imagine que me gustaria tanto ser ama de casa! Enserio, siempre me considere como la mujer trabajadora, pero una vez que nacio mi pequeno R se me hizo muy dificil regresar al trabajo. Y despues de varios meses de trabajar y de dejar a mi pequeno R con la ninera y sentirme orrible dia tras dia. Decidi quedarme en casa. Me facina trabajar, pero mas me gusta estar en casa con mis dos nenes. Si, hasta los dias mas dificiles.
When I was little I had a Strawberry Shortcake doll. I use to love squeezing her belly and smelling the delicious strawberry kisses she would blow. So one day, while shopping for a friends little girl's gift I was happy to see a cute little Strawberry Shortcake doll standing on the shelf. Immediatley I took it off the shelf and put it in front of A hopping she would love it as much as I did. She laughed as soon as she heard the doll's cute little laugh and when I tried to put it back on the shelf, A reached her little arms out to keep the doll. This made me very happy. So guess what we got A for her first birthday? I had too, really! That and a cute little blanket I made for the doll out of some Straberry Shortcake vintage fabric I had.
:: De nina tenia una muneca Strawberry Shorcake. Me facinaba aplastar su estomagito para holer sus ricos besitos de fresa. Por eso un dia mientras andaba de compras me emocione al ver una muneca Strawberry Shortcake en la tienda. Claro que la tome y luego, luego se la ensene a mi linda A, esperando que le gustara tanto como a mi. Y si le gusto! Cada vez que la muneca se reia, tambien A. Al tratar de regresar la munequieta a su lugar, mi linda A abrio sus brazitos para que se la regresara. Esto ma alegro mucho. Que creen que le compramos a mi linda A para su primer cumple? Si, la muneca, claro! Tambien le regale una sabanita que le hice a la muneca con una tela antigua que tenie guardada con disenos de la Strawberry Shortcake.
I didn't cook AT ALL before I got married! My mom never bothered to teach me and I was not interested. She figured that if she was able to learn after she got married, then her daughters would too. She was right! Now I love to cook and bake. And I am pretty darn good at it! Just ask R.
:: No sabia cosinar hantes de casarme! Ni me llamaba la atencione en lo minimo.
Mi mama nunca se preocupo de ensenar a sus hijas a consinar, pues como ella aprendio despues de casarse, suponia que sus hijas tambien. Y estaba en lo correcto! Ahora me facina cocinar, y cosino super rico, he. No me creen. Preguntenle a R.

Now...You're it! ::
Ahora sigues tu!


  1. good start! i also loved strawberry shortcake! and i'm totally in love with my family too (could you tell? :). but i wasn't proposed to in a denny's! :)

  2. thank you maya,

    lucky, lucky you. but it sure does make a good story. lol
    and YES I can see the love you have for your family. In every picture you take.

    lisa renata


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