
and the winner is :: y la ganadora es

Since we didn't have a lot of comments I decided to pick a name the old fashion way-- Out of a hat. (In this case a gorgeous wooden bowl my father-in-law made when he was in high school.) Both little ones were excited to help mami pick the winner. Though, I do need to mention, that they decided they wanted everyone to be a winner. Now aren't they nice? (If only life was that simple.) Mami had to explain that that was not possible and that the first name they picked was the one who won.
Con eso de que no tuvimos muchos comentarios, decidí hacer la rifa a la antigua. Sacando un nombre al asar de un plato hermoso que mi suegro hizo cuando estaba en la preparatoria. Los nenes me ayudaron a escoger la ganadora y les tengo que contar que querían que todos ganaran. ¿Que lindos no? (Con ganas de que la vida fuera a si de sencilla.) Pero, mami les explico que no se puede y que solo el primer nombre que sacaron es el ganador.

So with no further delay. The winner is:
Y ahora para el/la ganadora:

Congratulations to Holamom!
¡Felicidades a Holamom!

Please e-mail me your shipping info and apron preference (for a boy or a girl) to saboracajeta@gmail.com.
Favor de mandarme un e-mail con tu información de corroe y que mandil prefieres (para niño o para niña) a saboracajeta@gmail.com.

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