
Sidewalk Chalk Paint (Kids Craft for Modern Mami)

 Well Hello there!

I've been such a stranger, haven't I?

This summer my goal was to try to keep up with the posting of this lovely space of mine and the move at the same time.  As you can see, ahem, it hasn't been possible.  We're moving you ask?  Well, yes.  As of August we will no longer be Virginians, but instead Texans.  Exiting and sad all at the same time yes.  We'll be closer to my family which is why we decided to go for this move in the first place, but sad (so very sad) to leave such wonderful friends, and part of hubby's family, behind.  Truth be told we love it here, I love it here!  But nothing beats being closer to family, don't you agree?  Anyway, I will try to stop by here every so often to keep you updated or if you want a more sudden gratification (*wink*) you can follow me on Instagram (@lisarenata).  

Now for that kids craft.

I'm over at Modern Mami sharing a super duper easy (not exaggerating really) recipe to make sidewalk chalk paint.  Oh, I can't believe we hadn't done this before.  The kids love it and the best part it's all non toxic. 

So what are you waiting for?  Go on over and make your own.  The kids will LOVE ya for it.

Happy sunny days!

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