
the return :: el regreso

Things have been moving quite slow around here since our return. We needed it, after all the business and craziness of California. So forgive me if you only get a few words out of me, but I am still in that slow mode. I can't seem to be able to break out of it. Once I get back to my little old self I will share more with you and post photos of our trip. By the way, my sister's wedding was beautiful!
:: Desde nuestro regreso a casa las cosas se han movido despacio. Yo creo era necesario después de todo el atareo de California. Es que por favor de perdónenme si no escribo mucho hoy, pues todavía estoy en esa etapa tranquila y no veo como salir de ella. Pero prometo que al regresar a la normalidad les contare mas y también compartiré con ustedes fotos de nuestro viaje. Pero claro que les tengo que contar que la boda de mi hermana fue hermosa!

While we were gone our garden continued to grow and grow and GROW (seriously, now their are tons of weeds awaiting for me to pull. yuck!) And look at these wonderful veggies. We've been eating cucumbers, tomatoes and plenty of zucchini squash for the past few days. Today I made some salsa. I'll make sure to post the recipe in the near future.
:: Mientras estábamos fuera nuestra pequeña huerta continuo creciendo y creciendo (tanto que ahora tengo un montón de yerbas que sacar. Ugh! ) Pero miren también que mas? Los últimos días hemos estado comiendo bastantes tomates, pepinos y calabazitas. Hoy prepare una salsa casera riquísima. Luego les paso la receta. Esta super fácil.

And we also got the package I was waiting from Spanglish Baby. Remember I won one of their giveaways? The kids were so excited to open it and as soon as we did, they asked for mami to play it for them. They loved it! And so did I, I think I will be ordering more from the Biligual Fun Company.
:: También nos llego el paquete que estábamos esperando de Spanglish Baby. Recuerdan que ganamos uno de sus giveaways? Los nenes y yo estábamos super emocionados al abrir el paquete, y en cuanto lo hice me pidieron les pusiera los DVD's para verlos. Les encanto y a mi también! Creo que tendré que ordenar mas vídeos de Biligual Fun Company.

...of to continue my stillness.
:: ... a continuar con mi calma.


  1. This summer has definitely been full of slow days. Not too bad. Where are those beautiful veggies from? Your garden?

  2. qué bueno que ya estás de regreso, tómate tu tiempo y disfruta lo que queda del verano!!

  3. I was so bad with our garden this year. We were just able to plant tomatoes. Last year we had watermelons and pumpkins for Halloween and the year before we did the tomatoes, cucumbers, green ,yellow, orange and red peppers. I will definitely do more next year. They are so crispy and fresh when you grow at home.
    Congrats on your yummy veggies!

  4. I know what you mean about the slow days that are hard to shake out of... I find myself catching colds a lot easier and faster this year. And sometimes welcome them because it's the only way to slow down. Looking forward to seeing your CA pics and wishing you a healthy return back to full mama-mode speed :)


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