
busy week ending with birthday fun

Last week was a busy, very busy, week for us:
La semana pasada nos la pasamos super ocupados:

::Hubby and I celebrated our 8th anniversary (yey! Love you honey).
:: My esposo y yo celebramos nuestro octavo aniversario de matrimonio. (Yey! Te quiero amor.)

:: Ri had his first preschool sport camp experience, and loved it.
:: Ri fue a su primer campamento de deportes y le encanto.

:: And I spent most of the week sewing aprons like crazy. (Remember these?) Why? 'Cuz I AM crazy! No, seriously now, I made 18 of them as party favors for our-first-ever-combined-birthday-batch for my nenes (lovelies). The party was last weekend.
:: Y yo me la pase toda la semana cosiendo mandiles como loca. (¿Te acuerdas de estos?). ¿Por que? ¡Por que lo estoy! Jajaja, no enserio, cosí 18 mandiles como regalo para todos los niños invitados a nuestra primera-fiesta-celebrando-los-cumpleaños de mis dos nenes juntos. La fiesta fue este fin de semana pasado.

Aprons as party favors? Yup. It was an art theme party. A fun one I might add. Hot, super hot (breaking heat records around here), but fun. Instead of baggies full of treats I decided to give each child an apron to use during the party and then take home for keeps.
¿Mandiles como regalos? Claro que si, pues la fiesta fue con tema de arte. Y les cuento que muy divertida. Caliente, super caliente (estamos rompiendo récord de temperatura por aca), pero al fin de cuentas divertido.

This was our first year combining Ri's and A's birthdays. Something we had been thinking about for a long time. My uncle does this and I love the idea. We have never been able to have our party outdoors because of the seasons my kids were born in, Ri in late winter and A in late fall, so it either rains, snows or it is just too darn cold to be outdoors. I love our back yard, it is perfect for parties, so why not combined them and have them in the summer? Has anyone ever done this? It really is great. Think about it, you spend $ and time organizing for just one party, get all the friends over and have lots and lots of fun!
Este fue nuestro primer año combinando los cumpleaños de Ri y A. Y teníamos tiempo pensando en hacerlo. Un tío mio tiene tiempo haciéndolo, y me encanta la idea. Nunca hemos tenido la oportunidad de tener las fiestas afuera en el jardín por que Ri nacio a principios de primavera y A a fines de otoño y el clima nos toca ya sea lluvioso, nieva o hace muchisimo frió para estar afuera. Me encanta nuestro jardin, es perfecta para tener fiestas. Por eso decidimos celebrar sus cumpleaños juntos en el verano. ¿Has echo algo parecido? La verdad que me encanto. Piensalo, gastas $ y tiempo organizando solo una fiesta, juntas a todos los amigos y listo ¡a divertirse!

I did a little face painting.
Pinte caritas.

This was also the first time we had a piñata (we tried before, but it rained on us). You should of seen the faces of excitement on all the little ones waiting to hit the piñata. Some were scared at first, but once they got the hang of it, it was all FUN.
Tambien fue la primera vez que rompimos piñata (si ya se lo que han de estar pensando. Les juro que tratamos antes, pero nos llovió). Hubieran visto las caritas de emoción mientras los chiquitos esperaban su turno para romper la piñata. Algunos tenían un poco de miedo al principio, pero una vez que le agarraron, se divirtieron.

I find it very interesting that when I was a child, pretty much every birthday party I attended had a piñata, here where we live now, I've only been to one. I guess it is not as common. Not any more, we are going to make it a tradition, piñata every year (just not the one we bought- was it hard to break! The only thing that broke was the hanging loop. Even the mamas tried and nothing, finally I just hit the darn thing -while it lay on the floor- until I made a hole and let the candy fall. They sure make them a lot sturdier then they use to.)
Se me hace muy interesante que cuando yo era niña a casi toda fiesta que hiva havia piñata, a qui donde vivimos, solo hemos ido a una con piñata. No es muy comun. Pero ya no pues sera nuestra tradición, romper piñata cada año (pero no la que compramos ¡no! La mentada estaba super difícil de quebrar, lo único que se quebró fue la agarradera. Hasta las mamis tomamos turno en tratar de romperla y nada. Al ultimo opte por pegarle mientras estaba en el piso y luego deje caer los dulces. Definitivamente las hacen mucho mas macizas que antes.)

(Thanks Rakell for taking the photos of me.)

One of the things I liked the most about this party was that we asked everyone not to bring a gift. You heard right. No gifts! Instead we collected money for the Make a Wish Foundation. This seriously felt good. My little ones really don't need any more toys, and we have been blessed with health, a roof, and lots of wonderful family and friends.
Una de las cosas que mas me gusto de la fiesta fue que les pedimos a todos los invitados que no trajeran regalos. Si leíste bien. No regalos! Mejor colectamos dinero para el Make a Wish Foundation. Que lindo se sintió. Mis nenes no tienen necesidad de mas regalos, y gracias a Dios tenemos nuestra salud, un hogar, y mucha linda y maravillosa familia y amigos.

Why the Make a Wish Foundation and not another organization? Well, this organization is very close to my heart. One of my uncles died of cancer at the young age of 14 (I was about 12), and I remember that his one wish was to become a music D.J. He got his wish. The Make a Wish Foundation got him the equipment to be an actual D.J. to play all the music he wanted at parties and dances. Even after his death he was always present whenever my other uncles used his equipment at all the family events. Memories.
¿Por que el Make a Wish Foundation y no alguna otra organización? Bueno, porque esta organización me llega la corazón. Uno de mis tíos murió a la corta edad de 14 años a causa del cáncer (yo tenia como 12), y recuerdo que su gran deseo era ser D.J. de musica. Su deseo se cumplió cuando el Make a Wish Foundation le regalo el equipo necesario para tocar música. Hasta después de su muerte el siempre estaba presente cada vez que mis otros tíos (sus hermanos) tocaban el equipo en reuniones familiares. Recuerdos.

We do have plans to continue the NO GIFT tradition, at least until the kids start complaining about it, but my hopes are that the hubby and I will do a good job explaining to them how special it is to give instead of receive. And really, it doesn't mean they won't get any gifts at all. They have other opportunities throughout the year for presents.
Tenemos planes de continuar con esta tradición de no regalos, por lo menos hasta que los nenes empiecen a quejarse, pero espero que nunca suceda y mi esposo y yo hagamos un buen trabajo en explicarles el por que es mas especial en dar que en recibir. Y si lo piensan bien, no significa que nunca recibirán regalos, siempre hay otras oportunidades durante el año.

Happy Birthday my sweet nenes! :: ¡Feliz cumpleaños mis dulce nenes!

Have you ever had a No Gift party? How did it turn out? What other traditions have you started with your own family's birthday parties? I would love to read about them.
¿Alguna vez has echo una fiesta sin regalos? ¿Que tal te fue? ¿Que otras tradiciones has incorporado en tus fiestas de cumpleaños? Me encantaría que me cuentes.


  1. that looks like a wonderful party! wish we could've been there! :)

  2. I love it… everything looks wonderful and the donation was a beautiful touch! BTW Happy Anniversary

  3. Wonderful photos and such a creative party! I would have loved it as a little girl, (I loved to paint and craft, etc.)

    Loved to see your family and the piñata was adorable. Never seen a cupcake one.

    I also love the idea of donating to an organization in lieu of gifts. I've heard of others doing it and think it's wonderful to teach kids such a valuable lesson in giving.

  4. Happy Birthdays and Anniversary!

    Oh wow!! What a great party!! I loved the craft idea, I loved the aprons, I loved the piñata, I loved everything!!

    I remember the adults at the parties always breaking the piñata on the bottom, opening a hole and dumping all the stuff on top of us, it was fun! That piñata is very very cute, never seen one like that!

    About the no-gift idea, I'm not sure I like that idea for us. I respect it but I don't think I would do it for our kids. What I was thinking of doing is talk about an "experience" gift with guests, that instead of toys or clothe or objects you give tickets for some event or towards some event or place to enjoy together, that way, you are helping the family enjoy more time together. And usually a ticket to an aquarium or to Disenyland for example can get expensive, so it's nice to have help!!

    I can't get over the aprons, they are so cute!! I love party favors like that! did you also make the cake??

    Oh, and for the cumpleaños together, I remember my mom did that once with us and I wasn't bothered, it was later when I was older that I didn't want to share my special day!

  5. Se ve que la pasaron muy bien, me encantaron los mandiles!! Todo muy original! Saludos!!

  6. @maya- next time I'll send you an invite so you and V can take a trip up north and have some fun with us. =)

    @everyone else- Gracias! We did have a wonderful time even with the nasty heat. Who would have thought that the day I picked we were going to be breaking heat records, Ay no mas no. Jajajaja.

    @Dariela- we have done the "experience gift" in the past and love it, this year though we decided to take it a step further. I wasn't sure how my nenes where going to react, but they where just fine and really enjoyed their time with friends.

  7. Oh, I LOVE the idea of donating to Make a Wish instead of collecting gifts. I've been thinking about it, and I think we'll do that, even if my little ones complain a bit at first (they'll still get a gift from us and a gift from the grandparents, no doubt). What a beautiful combined summery party.


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